Anointing of the Sick


Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing of people in times of serious physical, mental and emotional illness, for people who are facing major surgery, chronic illness and aging. The church recognizes that people need the healing and strengthening power of Christ in these difficult times.

In addition to offering the sacrament of the anointing of the sick in a communal setting at a weekend liturgy each year, any parishioner may also receive this sacrament by simply making an appointment with one of the priests.

Please contact us via email at or by calling at 708-383-3430 to make an arrangement.

Who may be anointed?

In the past, the anointing was done near the time of death. The new rites restore a proper balance between the pastoral ministry to the sick and the pastoral ministry to the dying. Theology today understands Anointing as the Sacrament of the Sick; the former condition for its reception, i.e., danger of death, has been replaced by the concept of serious illness. Consequently, the healing effects of the sacrament now find renewed emphasis. The Anointing of the Sick is the prayer of Christ and His Church for the physical and spiritual health of the sick person. Who may be anointed?

  • A sick person may be anointed before he/she undergoes surgery.
  • Persons with chronic illnesses.
  • Older persons, even if they are not suffering from a dangerous illness.
  • Mentally disabled persons, chemically dependent persons.
  • A sick child may be anointed in order to be comforted and uplifted by the Sacrament.

The importance of how the sick contribute to the welfare of the Church and to our Parish family through their sufferings, cannot be overemphasized.