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Religious Education – Day of the Dead Altars

Reflections – November 2021

As a way to celebrate the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, the religious education 7th and 8th Grade Students were asked to create a Dios del Muertos (Day of the Dead) Altar. It was a an activity to demonstrate their love and honor the people and pets in their lives that have died. The students were both thoughtful and creative in the construction of their at-home altars of remembrance. Some were colorful; some had items that are connected to the deceased person; many included photos. Below are some of the pictures.

Something I learned about my faith…

  1. How saints are picked and created
  2. I learned that I believe in the after life
  3. That God is always around us
  4. Martyrs died for their faith
  5. I can be a saint too
  6. It is ok to talk about your loved ones that passed away
  7. It is up to you to have a relationship with God
  8. The people that passed before you are always there for you
  9. The dead are not gone, you just can’t see them

See More Pictures in our RE Google Drive