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Parish SPRED Program Agape – Evening Gatherings!

Year 2022-2023

SPRED (Special Religious Development) is a program of the Archdiocese of Chicago whose purpose is two-fold: the inclusion of the developmentally disabled into the liturgical and community faith life of the parish and the formation of a small faith community where both special friends and their catechists nurture their faith.

Our SPRED program at St. Giles began in 2013 and today (YEAR 2022-2023) includes four friends who are all in their twenties. Our catechists and friends meet about twelve times throughout the year. We share our faith with each other through activities, songs and, of course, prayer. One of the highlights of our meetings is Agape, a time near the end of our evening together when we break bread and share ourselves with one another. The Holy Spirit is a part of all our SPRED gatherings!