Your Voice is Needed for the Lent and Easter Path of Prayer!
St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish – Lent and Easter Path of Prayer – This year for Lent and continuing through the octave of Easter, we will be compiling short reflections on the daily scripture written by members of our parish community. All are welcome to sign up to write a 1-2 paragraph reflection for any day listed below. The reflection will be interpreting the daily scripture through the lens of your own faith and daily life. The booklet will be a beautiful mosaic of the spiritual reflections from all corners of our parish faith community.
Reflections are due no later than February 22. Once you sign up you will get full guidelines and instructions on how to submit your reflection.
Sign up boards will be at all worship sites beginning on January 18 and 19, or click below to sign up for a particular date.
Please reach out to Alex Ryan, or 708-359-6178, with any questions or if you are interested in being part of the team compiling and editing the reflections and designing the booklet.