RMC – All-Parish Gatherings to Listen and to Be Heard

Parish Bulletin Update – September 18, 2022

Unified Parish of St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles – In-Person All-Parish Gathering on September 10 at St. Catherine-St. Lucy Church and Virtual Zoom Gathering on September 14

At these meetings, each of us had the opportunity to express the values we treasure and the hopes we have for the future. These moments of sharing and listening strengthened our common bonds and increased our awareness of the gifts we bring to the wider community. Immediately followed these gatherings, and based on this foundation, an organized process is launched in mid-September to collect your suggestions for our new parish name. In this way, we feel assured that many suggestions will arise that will have deep meaning for all of us.

On September 10, 2022, over 100 parishioners participated in two all-parish gatherings in which we reflected upon our past and shared the values and spirit we wish to carry forward into our new parish. Pictured below is a glimpse of the gathering held at St. Catherine-St. Lucy. The word cloud below was generated by responses from this gathering. As some may know, a word cloud is a cluster of words depicted in different sizes. The bigger and bolder the word appears, the more often it’s mentioned within a given text and the more important it is. Many thanks to everyone who participated and dedicated their time to the building of our new parish.

… I am grateful for the wisdom, guidance and the work of our Unification Team who planned and created these opportunities for such important conversation.

As we have now entered into our naming process, I ask all to please take the time to understand what the process entails and, if you are so inclined, suggest an appropriate name for our new unified parish community that, in faith, hope and love, will build together our new reality.

Have a blessed and safe week ahead.

With you a Christian. For you a priest.

Father Carl Morello
Pastor of St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish