Spiritual Classics for All Oak Park Parishes
May Discussion – Marguerite Porete and The Mirror of Simple Souls

Join us for the upcoming Spiritual Classics discussion on Marguerite Porete’s classic writing, The Mirror of Simple Souls. We will meet on Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30 pm in the Ascension Parish Center Dining Room. Jeff Wood will lead the discussion. All Oak Park parishes are welcome.

The Mirror of Simple Souls is a dialogue among allegorical figures conversing about the nature of the spirit and the relation between the soul and God. Because human love is like divine love, Porete shows how the human soul can achieve a lasting union with God. Porete lived in a beguine community in the fourteenth century and the book became enormously popular throughout Europe at the time.

If you have any questions, or would like more information about our monthly Spiritual Classics discussions, send an email to llaffc@ascensionoakpark.com or check out the Spiritual Classics webpage on the Ascension and St. Edmund website. Reading the book is not required in order to join the discussions – feel free to just come and hear about Porete’s medieval spirituality.