Townhall Invitation – September 8, 2024
1:00 PM at Saint Catherine of Sienna-Saint Lucy Church

Also Livestreamed – YouTube – WATCH HERE

See Town Hall Presentation – Slides (PDF)

In July 2022, the Saint Catherine of Siena-Saint Lucy and Saint Giles parishes were united. In the two years since then, our parish communities have been finding ways to share our unique gifts, blend our unique cultures, and share in the salvation of Christ as one people. This journey, like many of life’s other challenges, has not always been easy.

The Renew My Church effort is an opportunity for renewal and a chance to address how the changes in the composition of our Catholic communities impacts our parishes. The effort is also, frankly, rooted in necessity. The Church, like many of our own families, must figure out how to accomplish more with less resources. To that end, Father Carl, supported by the Archdiocese process already in place, asked for volunteers from our parish community to form a Strategic Review / Parish Campus Assessment Committee. The main purpose of this committee is to assess the capital needs of the parish’s campuses, and the impact on Saint Catherine-Saint Lucy and Saint Giles’ sustainability for the future.

The committee has met many times over the past several months assessing our facilities and wish to share what it has learned with the parish community. So, we are inviting you to a Townhall Meeting at the Saint Catherine of Siena-Saint Lucy Church on Sunday, September 8. At that gathering, the committee members will share what the state of our campuses are, discuss potential next steps, and gather feedback from you. This is so that thoughtful decisions can be made to ensure the long-term sustainability of our parish community.

This is an important responsibility for each and every parishioner to share in. We respectfully ask that you join us for this Townhall Meeting on Sunday, September 8 from 1 pm to 2:30 pm at Saint Catherine of Siena-Saint Lucy Church, and we pray that God guides us along this journey.

Acts 4:32 – All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.