Give Central – Online Contributions


Regular Offertory and Seasonal Giving


Are you on the go? GiveCentral has made it even easier to support St. Giles with a text-to-give cell number 708-258-1063. Simply text, Donate, to make or set-up Sunday Offertory giving. Text, Easter, to make a special Easter gift. You will be prompted to add your information. It’s fast and easy!


  1. Click on the red bar above and you will be brought to the St. Giles Parish page on the GiveCentral website.
  2. You are now on the St. Giles Parish page and will see all donation event options. Click on St. Giles Sunday Offertory to begin.
  3. You may now enter the specifics of your donation: Amount, First Payment Date, Frequency and End Date Type.
    • First Payment Date – You will see a calendar with the current date highlighted. Click on the calendar and use the arrows to advance the month and year as you choose the date you would like to make your donation. For example, if you would like to give each Sunday, then choose the date of the Sunday that you would like your donations to begin. If you would like to give on the 15th of each month, then choose the 15th of the month that you would like your donations to begin.
    • Frequency – Your options are: one-time, weekly, monthly or annually.
    • End Date Type – Your options are: Ongoing or Custom. Ongoing means that the donation will continue until you log into your account at a later date and end your donation. Custom allows you to choose a final payment date.
  4. Once you have made your selections, click the orange box that says Add to my Gift Basket. You should then see a screen that says, Item successfully added to your gift basket. You may now proceed to Checkout OR you may set-up additional donations for Seasonal Events (Christmas and Easter) and/or another of the donation options (Utilities Fund, Live Streaming Fund, etc.) by clicking the blue box that says Add More and then following the same steps as above.
  5. Click the Checkout box when you have completed scheduling all your donations. It will direct you to a page titled My Gift Basket which will allow you to review the details of your donation(s). You will have the ability to edit or delete the donation(s) listed.
  6. If you are satisfied that all is correct, click on the blue Continue box which will bring you to a page titled Confirm my Gift. It is at this point that you will officially Sign up with GiveCentral. If you already have used GiveCentral for other giving, you may log in using your username and password. However, if you are new to GiveCentral, YOU MUST Choose Complete Profile under the Sign Up section. Do not use Give as a Guest because it will not allow you to change your information at a later date.
  7. When completing the New User Registration, you will be asked for your name, User Id, Email Address, Password, Address and Payment Information. You may enter credit card (American Express, Discover, Mastercard or Visa) or your Bank Account information. Once completed, check the “I accept the user policy” box and then the Register and confirm gift box.
  8. You will be directed to My Account page which shows a recap of My Events and have successfully scheduled your donations to St. Giles Parish!


If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Sharon Bresnahan at the Parish Center at 708-383-3430 Ext. 420.