Want to Schedule Mass Intentions?
- Monday through Friday – Weekday Mass at 6:30 am
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday – Weekday Mass 8:30 am
- Saturday Morning – Weekday Mass at 8 am
- Vigil Weekend Mass – Saturday at 4:30 pm
- Sunday Masses at 8 am and 10:30 am
- Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confessions – Saturday from 8:30 to 9 am – Private Confessions by Appointment – MORE INFORMATION
- Sunday Mass at 10 am with the Family Mass Community in the St. Giles School Corrigan Gym (1030 Linden Avenue – 2nd Floor – Entrance off Linden Avenue) – MORE INFORMATION
- CLICK HERE to join us via Zoom
- Meeting ID: 874 7871 3065 – Passcode: 005586
- Questions? – Contact Alex Ryan at alexryan@stgilesparish.org
- Please note that the weekly Tuesday 8:30 am Mass at St. Catherine-St. Lucy will be suspended for the summer, resuming in the fall when the school students return for the new school year.
- Sunday Mass at 9 am
- Sunday Mass at 5 pm – All Are Welcome (that means everyone!) to this Mass!
- This Mass initiative is co-sponsored by the two Oak Park Catholic Parishes, Ascension and St. Edmund and St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles.
The Covid pandemic of 2020 has taught us much about new ways of being church – Our livestream Masses will continue through our PARISH YOUTUBE CHANNEL so that those who are unable to be with us physically can join with us during Mass spiritually.
- February 9 (St. Giles) – 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday at 10:30 am – CLICK HERE
- February 15 (St. Giles) – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Saturday at 4:30 pm – CLICK HERE
- February 23 (St. Giles) – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday at 10:30 am – CLICK HERE
Oak Park Catholic Parishes – 5 PM Sunday Evening Mass
The 5 pm Sunday evening Mass welcomes all Oak Park Parish Communities is held at St. Edmund Church (188 S. Oak Park Ave, Oak Park, IL 60302) – This Mass is also geared toward young adult community members on the 4th Sunday of each Month, with hospitality and community building activities after Mass.
While one of the focuses for this weekly Sunday evening Mass is to continue to grow and foster a Young Adult outreach in the greater Oak Park area, please note that ALL ARE WELCOME to join in this weekly Eucharist. Additionally, there is hope to develop increased liturgical and social engagement with our teen community. This Mass initiative is co-sponsored by the two Oak Park Catholic Parishes, Ascension and St. Edmund and St. Catherine-St. Lucy and St. Giles. Our parish priests rotate presiding at the Sunday evening Mass and music ministers from the two parishes have joined to form a music team. Jane Anne Campbell (ja.campbell@ascensionoakpark.com) and Alex Ryan (alexryan@stgilesparish.org) coordinate liturgical ministries for this Mass – All are welcome to be a music minister, lector, eucharistic minister, altar server or greeter!
Sign Up Here to Get Information about Liturgical Ministries
Each week we accept non-perishable food items at this Mass. Instead of passing a collection basket each week, EVERYONE will be invited to process to the altar during the procession of the gifts. You can bring up a food item and or drop your monetary stewardship offering in a large basket or simply come up and offer the gift of yourself to the Lord. As the bread and wine are offered to God, we too, offer ourselves as we share in Christ’s body and blood and become more like him sharing Christ’s presence in the world.
Young Adults or high school students interested in serving in any music or liturgical ministry may contact any of our parish priests or any of the music directors at our different sites: David Anderson at d.anderson@ascensionoakpark.com, Michael Silhavy at michaelsilhavy@gmail.com, or Sue Kaszynski at skaszynski@stgilesparish.org. Those interested in serving for a ministry other than music, contact Jane Anne Campbell at ja.campbell@ascensionoakpark.com.
- All are welcome at St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy, St. Giles and St. Edmund Churches. Pandemic Restrictions on numbers in the church are lifted, and we no longer need to require registration prior to attending Masses or any other prayer service or event. Come to church whenever you are able.
- Masks are optional for all those entering the Churches and all buildings on the Parish campus.
- During Mass and other services, come to participate with your heart and your voice! We will be providing worship aids so that we may once again all sing together.
- Eucharistic Ministers will continue to sanitize their hands prior to the distribution of communion. Those coming to communion may have their hands sanitized if they wish.
Some may be nervous about returning to Mass and those that have been back in church may be nervous about these changes. Greeters and Ushers will remain present as you enter the building to ease the transition back to church. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to one of the greeters or ushers and they can assist you.
Our hearts yearn to be present again with each other. Welcome Home!