And so, what exactly is this “Faith and Fellowship?” – Our Mission Statement says that we create an awareness of God’s presence and care to adults who experience severe, persistent, mental illness; and provide a welcoming sense of belonging through the formation of communities of faith. We are accompaniment (not charity); ministry with (not for); inclusion (not outreach); spirituality (not therapy); church (not social service).

INTRODUCING FAITH AND FELLOWSHIP! – We invite you to a two-hour presentation on Monday, September 16 at 7 pm, and repeated on Thursday, September 19 at 1 pm. The presentation will explore how Faith and Fellowship’s catechetical / pastoral communities provide a sense of belonging in the family of God’s love for adults with severe mental illness.

Please come to the front door of Saint Catherine – Saint Lucy Rectory (38 N. Austin Blvd.), and call or text 708-383-9276 to gain entrance to the building. Email Connie Rakitan at for more information about this powerful ministry and how you can help.

Contact Connie Rakitan at or 708-383-9276.