Fr. Carl’s Corner


In today’s readings, the theme can be captured in these words, “The hand of the Lord feeds us, He answers all our needs.”

One of the most important ways God answers our needs is His invitation to rest in Christ’s love and in our relationship with Him.

This is important to remember when the mysteries and questions of life seem to overwhelm us. Coming to Mass, hearing the Word of God in scripture, being in the midst of community, and remembering we are not alone on our journey of faith are all ways God abundantly feeds us with His presence and love.

When we wonder why things happen the way they do, or why what we envision to be the “right thing” is not what happens, we need to recall Matthew 12:1-8, “THE SON OF MAN IS THE LORD OF THE SABBATH.” What does this mean for us?

The Sabbath, established by God as a day of rest and worship, central to Jewish life, and why we gather for Mass on the weekend, is fulfilled in Jesus. When we come together at Mass, Jesus is asking us to rest in Him, to rest in His love and our relationship with Him.

We won’t know the answer to every question while on this side of Heaven. But what we trust in faith is that the Lord, in His mercy and goodness, loves us and desires every good thing for us. We can trust Him and find rest in Him.

Something for us all to think about and be proud of are the advancements we have made as the larger Catholic Community. While each of our individual parishes has particular and unique aspects of who we are and what we bring to our newly united communities of faith, I am grateful for our united efforts and what they represent. The work of creating The Neighborhood Bridge, our relationship with Housing Forward, the work of Spirit and Light and our Migrant Ministry at Centro San Edmundo reminds us of this important truth. These are signs of how the Body of Christ who feeds us has given us clear eyes to see the needs around us and to offer care for those in need. We don’t simply look to our own affairs but see beyond to the needs of others. Collectively, working together, represents who we are as members of the Mystical Body of Christ. WOW, that’s a lot to think about! However, it is in fact the feeding of those in today’s Gospel. Our being fed at Mass and the work we are doing; this is how it is all connected. Let us truly be His Body!

Pope Francis once wrote – A good shepherd – not only does he keep his doors open, but he also goes to seek out those who no longer wish to enter them.

Just a brief word on the work of our multi-site review committees and our meetings. We have been working with our representative from the Archdiocese on gathering needed and clear information on costs to share with each parish. It is important to know how spaces are used and what is needed to operate and maintain our facilities. There have been some delays, summer breaks being one, but we hope to finish up our work in August and share the information in September. Once those meeting dates and locations are set, I will be sure to let you know so all interested folks can plan to attend.

FYI: I will be on vacation July 29-August 8 – Staff members will be filling this space for the next two Sundays, August 4 and 11.

Have a safe and blessed week ahead.

With you a Christian. For you a priest.

Fr. Carl Morello
St. Catherine of Siena – St. Lucy and St. Giles Parish

Ascension and St. Edmund Parish