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Migrant Ministry – Global Nativity Scene Display

January 7, 2024

GIFTS ABOUND ON EPIPHANY SUNDAY – On Epiphany Sunday (January 7, 2024), more than 300 people gathered in St. Edmund’s Murphy Hall for the annual Global Nativity Scene display. It featured creches from all over the world and portrayed the Holy Family in different cultural settings. In the creche display, the Holy Family is recognized in the migrants we serve, also forced to flee for their safety to another country where they knew no one and could not speak the language.

Like the Magi, everyone brought gifts. The St. Edmund Campus staff and kitchen volunteers brought their incredible gift of hospitality. The volunteers brought the gift of generosity, lending their beloved creches and helping to set up the display.

The visitors brought the gift of a united faith community, coming from all four Oak Park Catholic campuses and many from outside Oak Park. And the migrant guests brought their gift of faith, optimism, resilience – and delicious arepas! A team of Venezuelan cooks prepared over 200 arepas, a traditional Venezuelan dish resembling a corn meal patty stuffed with meat, chicken, or beans with lots of cheese and spices.

The Magi brought gifts to honor the Christ Child, and we continue to honor Him in the gifts of coats, blankets, shoes, toiletries, clothes, winter gear, toys, and breakfast that we provide twice a week for our migrant brothers and sisters.

We have been blessed by our migrant brothers and sisters. They have been a gift to us as we hope we have been a gift to them.