The Retreads Men’s Basketball League offers parishioners camaraderie, faith building, competition and fellowship from early December through end of March. The league plays on most Sunday nights and occasional Fridays in the Parish Gym capped off by playoffs and a season-ending party.
Good hoops with great guys. Open to all of men of the parish. Teams are drafted to be even. Each team plays for a specific charity and the team that wins it all gets a nice donation from the league. Really really really fun. This league is the envy of every parish in the Archdiocese.
Each year, the league donates its proceeds to a worthy cause. For more information, contact league commissioner Pat Carew at
Do you love to play volleyball?
Season starts after Easter Sunday through early/mid June.
A group of adults who used to play in the St Giles Volleyball League is returning to the court in a more casual format. If you understand the terms “bump,” “set” and “spike,” please plan to join us for some fun, pick-up volleyball.
Open to all SGS parents and/or St Giles parishioners (High School age and up, please).