So Why Is it Called “Big Shebang”? – Back in our early years, the final Faith and Fellowship event before our Summer break was a Mass for all our groups and our guests, followed by a catered dinner. We usually just called it the end-of-the-year celebration, though sometimes it was known as our “bash” or our “blow-out.” One evening, a Partner announced with arms uplifted in a rah-rah gesture, “Well, pretty soon is the BIG SHEBANG!!” Somehow the name stuck, and so…

SAVE THE DATE – BIG SHEBANG! – Monday, May 13 with a 7:00 pm Mass at St. Catherine-St. Lucy Church, followed by Dinner in Maguire Hall (Parish Gym) – Reservations for dinner a must – Contact Connie Rakitan at or 708-383-9276.

“Hoppin’ and Boppin'” – The Rock and Roll band from St. Francis High School performed a concert at Columbus Manor where some of the Faith and Fellowship Partners live. They had the joint jumping! Residents and Staff alike clapped, danced, and sang along to a repertoire of dusties, modern-day songs, and everything in between. What a great time! But wait! There’s more! Local kids from the Oak Park parishes youth group and Christ the King College Prep are going to be with us for the Big Shebang. They’ll help set up the gym for the dinner, pray with us at Mass, and help serve dinner, eat with us, and clean up. Some people say these young people are the future of the church. NO! They are its present!

And so, what exactly is this “Faith and Fellowship?” – Our Mission Statement says that we create an awareness of God’s presence and care to adults who experience severe, persistent, mental illness; and provide a welcoming sense of belonging through the formation of communities of faith. We are accompaniment (not charity); ministry with (not for); inclusion (not outreach); spirituality (not therapy); church (not social service).

Contact Connie Rakitan at or 708-383-9276.